Stockholm (JJ) Appeal forcing the Stockholm County Administrative Board to publish the Södertörns wolf was shot in the culling in January. Hunting Critics Association has appealed the decision confidentiality and got right. - Because of the threat we wanted to protect a farm, says Göran Åström at the provincial office of Hunting Journal's web radio.

The board has concealed the shot's position with reference to it can be connected to a residence in the area.

Cancels secrecy
Appeal disagree without requiring the provincial government to publish the GPS position of the female wolf was shot.
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*Awaiting approaching info about exactly where Halter shot, but so far we have Åva Farm !


Hunter Group consists of a superior army vehicle, people, dogs, weapons and equipment.

Hunters are allowed to hunt with night vision to facilitate hunting, regardless of time of day, whatever the time of year.

Hunters are allowed to have GPS to track the four-footed animals. Themselves can not.

Hunters are allowed to hunt from vehicles to increase mobility and catching up a running wolf. Often shoot even from the vehicle - even though this is prohibited. It then kills the animal standing, outside the vehicle for it to be legally shot that can detect dead.

Hunters are allowed to stand on the pass with small gaps between them to as many weapons as possible to be directed at a target.

Hunters are allowed to hunt with dogs (usually release the dogs loose in the woods to drive the wolf in the direction where the hunters are on passports. If not, the hunters let the dogs loose in the woods, would not dogs attacked by wolves. The dogs run into wolf territory and the wolf defends hence his territory. Hunters get another mantra to repeat. Wolves are cruel animal that bites kill dogs.

HALTER was a lonely hunter that had a superior army of people, dogs vehicles, weapons and equipment against them. A brutal cull.

Where she was shot? - An open task that Swedish people have the right to take part in. The place is classified by the County Board. The County Administrative Board also orders the State Veterinary Department not to provide the information on request.

To shoot a wolf in a national park is prohibited under Swedish law and this is a criminal act. There are hunters who are also politicians and County Board Staff. HALTER is shot as a purely political measure to continue hunting in the area.

Politicians commit a criminal act and wants to protect itself from prison. Therefore, confidentiality coats man was HALTER was shot.

The belief that politicians want wolves in Sweden is dead long ago.

The long term strategy for hunters, is that by a purposeful plan exterminate wolves in Sweden. The Russian-Finnish wolves are the first wolves in Sweden should not get propagated by the Norwegian wolves, thereby creating a strong, healthy and larger wolf.

Written by Anonymous Source because of threats