This page will be gradually rewritten the history of the Wolf.
We will of course link and indicate the sources of the extracts printed.

To the right you can see the famous old male wolf called ULRIK. To the left is his last female who also was shot by hunters in the territory Ulrichsdal, Dalarna. This is the last picture taken on the two. Ulrik was 14 years old and died of old age. So it is said by an elderly tracker, and so is the legend about Ulrik that had 3 mat, However, they were all victims of hunters' bullets.

In a booklet called Getting to Know Wolf Anders Bjärvall written on bla history and changes. I'll write down some but the most important of which is in the booklet.

In a book called the Wolf Man's Testament is mostly about rumors and other things and is very readable for those who want.

Movies wearing historical credibility.

Here are some Varginplanteringen 1

You're talking Anders Bjärvall if replanting