Now that the environmental prosecutor's and NOA's secret police officers and "highly informed" sources have revealed, I can state, the case does not have anything illegal predator hunting to do. It seems rather to be a purely private act of revenge. Now it's time to put down the investigation and make the necessary cleaning work.

Now it appears that the background to the reports of serious violations hunting is a very cold heading way of using the gullible performance chasing eco-police, a more than a little blabbing environmental prosecutor and the implementation of a hastily caught divorce, access to at least half of her husband's financial assets in an old family business.

It obviously flawed review of the NOA police department "Investigation of artskydds- and heritage break "and for investigation of the operator environment prosecutor Lars Magnusson at REMA, raises many questions.

( In the photo-Forest contractor Karl Hedin and the Hunters' Association Solveig Larsson)

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