Environmental Prosecutor Christer B Järlås spend the investigation of suspected serious hunting offenses against the hunters in their 30s who, in badger hunting outside Hälsingland shot a bear in self-defense.

- There is nothing to indicate that there would have been about an apparent self-defense situation,, says Lars Fredin, police investigators and hunting crimes coordinator in Texas.
When the hunter discovered the bear in a tree sealing fired his first warning shots. This did not help and he had to shoot the bear at close range when it rushed straight at him.

Barking at dusk
It was the 19 August, Thus, two days before the licensed hunting of bear began at, as the 30-year-old Hunter released his elkhound bitch of a badger trail of red ant off Järvsö. The dog scampered quickly than the track and disappeared over a clearing. A moment later heard the hunter the first skull. Then it had already started to get dark.
The dogs barking, stood virtually still and in the boiler lamplight crept hunter forward the fir seal where elkhound bitch stood and barked at the supposed badger.

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That's a difference of Badger and bear so one wonders if a gun in this man's hands are so good !