At protection pursuit of hybrids between dog and wolf and the wolf has so far convicted two animals. These are now identified.

The 13 November convicted an animal that the National Veterinary Institute (SVA) has determined to be a normal colored adult male. With the help of DNA analysis has established that the adult animal is a Scandinavian wolf, G137-17, from parents territory Kolsta 2.

The other animal that precipitated the 20 november, a normal colored male, SVA has determined to be a årsunge. No DNA analysis is yet clear, it will next week. County Board judges that the likelihood of the individual is a hybrid between wolves and dogs. This is because it is a årsunge and there are no other known wolf litters in the area.

The two convicted individuals were visually similar in both size and color.

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During the late summer and early autumn, captured the provincial government in Sodermanland a unique wolf rejuvenation of image. The black color of the pups in Biereviret then led to extensive DNA analysis.

The verification confirmed that the pups were cross between dog and wolf.  After culling decisions on all animals, wolves and wolf hybrids, shot the first animal on 13 november. It turned out to be a wolf male born in Kölstareviret.

Female wolf was shot 14 december. The autopsy showed she had seven fetuses. Six hybrids have been identified in the territory, and six puppies have also been put under the protection hunt going on for two months.

Three of hybrid puppies have been black, three have been normal colored. All the puppies have been males.

A seventh puppy may remain in the territory. Color and gender of the animal is unknown. Protection hunt ends when all animals deemed killed.

Track Snow important

The hunt in Biereviret is totally dependent on good snow conditions, and there is right now in the area. County Board expects that the hunt may soon be over.

One issue that still mystifies the provincial government is the unknown dog who is the father of hybrids.

- We have no idea what a dog is, we have not received any tips and to determine it, we must have blood or other DNA from that particular animal, says Johan Varenius.

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