Alfa couple of Rackstad The territory was shot on Saturday. After the county administrative board's decision on culling to dissolve territory ring were wolves in an area between Gunnar Forest and Mangrove Forest.
- A perfect hunting where we shot the male first, says Hunt leader Bertil Forsberg.

Both parents in Rackstad The territory was shot on Saturday. The animals went together between Gunnar Forest and Mangrove Forest east of Arvika, and were killed with the support of the County Administrative Board's decision on culling.
Conditions for the race were to focus on the parental couple for killing the two and dissolve Rackstad The territory. The problem with recurrent attacks of dogs has led to a total of six wolves shot in the territory.

On Friday, the hunters had a synobservation the wolves when they went over a lake.

The hope that they would stay inside the restricted area was achieved on Saturday morning.

Now both the wolves away and it feels fantastic!, says Bertil Forsberg.
Still, it can be a one or more puppies from last year's litter left in the territory.