More and more bears folds during culling. A bear killed during culling means in most cases, discarded skins and meat. The destruction of the protective hunted bears are paid for by taxpayers.
2017 precipitated 71 Bears during culling in Sweden. It is a record.
A total of just over 700.000 in costs for transport and destruction and loss of meat- and leather value for the bears that were felled during culling last year.
The swelling protection hunt for bear also involves an important question of principle: Is it reasonable that the Swedish bear population in practice largely managed by culling?

Swedish Hunting has reviewed the protection hunt for bear - mainly in northern Sweden, where the extensive culling 2017 meant that there was no license hunting in the fall.

Figures from the SVA report large carnivores.
Number felled bears in the country during culling:

Year Quantity
2017  67*
2016 27
2015 64
2014 34
2013 22

* The difference between the SVA:s and provincial offices total figure is explained by Erik Agren in the text below.

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