Sweden has been severely criticized by the EU for hunting wolves, so hard that the former environment minister had to rename it from licensed hunting to cull extended.

Jägaren, centrist Lena Ek ignore now in Sweden are brought to justice in the EU court for hunting an endangered species, and rename the hunt for selection hunt!

It has not taken account of the national electoral commission.

It has not taken into account that the inbred wolf population consists of too few wolves. It has not taken account of conservation organizations.

Man hides to sentence "Inserting wolf" means to shoot them year after. It has not taken into account EU's species and habitats directives.

How should any hunter to distinguish an inbred wolf from a not inbred???? This is unfortunately the end of the Swedish wolf population.

Do not let the hunters' associations choke on the Environmental Protection Agency and the government to sit there but get organized, write on. Oak View that we want a free and vibrant and healthy wolf population!


Call: Stop Lena Ek extermination of the Swedish wolf population! (click here)