- DNA analysis shows that this is on the same timid male wolf who moved in the border between Skåne and Kronoberg County for five years, and that we have identified on several occasions by droppings samples. We had no documented attacks on either cattle or dogs from this individual, said Tom Espgård, one of those responsible for wildlife issues at the County Administrative Board of Skåne.

The neighborhood got the wolf eventually named “Snapphanen”, because it seemed to be more or less resident in the border region. It was the 16 August as the wolf was shot during a hunt in northeastern Skåne. The wolf was sent for autopsy to SVA, Swedish Veterinary Institute. The DNA analysis was then made of Viltskadecenter within SLU, SLU in Grimsö.

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(Autopsy Protocol will shortly / Admin)
Contributed Scania wolf came from the Black Forests