The wolf is a predator, animals has been refined for generations in the balance between predator and prey. When the last ice age had released its grip on Scandinavia, for about 10 000 years ago, Wolf came to our region.

The wolf was once the world's most widely distributed mammals, which occurred north of North America and Eurasia. Wolves tend to have difficulty adapting to the human impact of habitat. Wolves are less able to adapt to an expanding civilization than eg coyote (prärievarg). In addition, the persecution of the species affected population decline.

Although wolves do not risk extinction, so local populations are still endangered. A threat to these consist of genetic erosion due to fragmentation conditioned populations. Humans have isolated pockets with small populations which suffer from inbreeding. Studies have shown that the reproduction rate of wolves is strongly linked to genetic diversity.

The wolf was spread across Europe during 1700 century but became extinct in the mid and northern Europe 1800 the number. The largest population is now in Russia, Poland and the Balkans. Scattered populations are found in Portugal, Spain, Greece and Italy. Natural reestablishment also occurs in France, Germany, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

According to the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats which member countries have signed on as seems generally stable nature. However, not all. Lack of acceptance, often because of concerns about attacks on livestock, competition for ungulates for hunters and löshundsjakten. Hunting Press and illegal hunting are the main factors limiting the European wolf population.

Wolf also in Eastern, Arabian Peninsula, If, China and Mongolia in small scattered populations.

The wolf's range stretched past from large parts of North America north of Mexico City. Canada and Alaska have stocks with thousands of individuals who are in excellent biological fitness. The wolf has expanded into the Rocky Mountains since the 1970s,, south to Montana, Washington, Idaho and Wyoming. It has also been introduced in Yellowstone National Park and Apache National Forest.

The wolf in Alaska, Canada and Eastern Europe is about 160 centimeters long, at the shoulder 80 centimeters high and with an approximate 50 centimeters long tail. These wolves weigh up to 80 kilogram. The smallest available on the Arabian Peninsula and in nearby regions. Their length is at 80 centimeters and weight at 20 kilogram. The tail is about 30 centimeters long. Honor is between 3 och 12 percent less than males and have 20 to 25 percent lower body weight.

Coat color varies greatly. There are white, cream, reddish, yellowish, gray and black individuals. In temperate areas of Europe and Asia are mostly grayish while in the Arctic regions is mostly black or white. The underside is pale or bright white. Often the wolves back darker than their tail, Book, ears and nose.

It is very difficult to separate from Wolftrace track of dogs. Often it is necessary to follow the track a long distance (preferably several km) in order to be reasonably sure that it is the wolf and not a loose dog to track. When tracking on snow leaving large hanvargar a track mark of 10-12 cm excluding chlorine. Get the dogs are so big paws. Northern European wolves also has a stride length of at least 140 cm on hard, flat surface in trot, which is rarely matched by dogs. However, there are wolves with tiny paws, and a normal varghonas paws are no bigger than a large dog.

Wolf tracks often go straight (purposefully) while domestic dogs usually run crisscross. This behavior does not always, because the wolf can also make irregular promise, and dogs may be determined.

To track the signs are also counted droppings and urine markers. A wolf does not eat the same kind of food that a dog these days. It feeds on flesh and bone. The droppings differs from dog, which usually gets fed with pellets that are adulterated with vegetarian content. When the wolf eating a lot of bones, becomes the stool completely white.

Urine marks of wolf look the same as the dog, but of the wolf, only the alpha pair who has the right to lift the leg when urinating. The other members of the group (also males) squatting and urinating as dog bitches. Under högvintern, when the female runs, one can find traces of blood in the urine markings, then you know that it is the wolf who had been there (dog females urinates crouching.

Social behavior
Sometimes one encounters lonely wolves in the wild but the most common life form is the flock or family group as they currently prefer to call it. The wolf pack consists of the parental couple (alpha animals), their årsvalpar and previous cubs. The number depends on the availability of food. In Sweden, a normal-sized wolf territory between 75 000 och 200 000 hektar.

Wolves howling to collect the flock (usually before and after the hunt), to warn (especially at the lair), to locate each other during bad weather or in unfamiliar terrain and to communicate over large distances.

The howling is to convene the flock to kill a replacement is long and soft. When pursuing prey is ylningen higher and vibrates between two tones. When they approach the change combined a card to be and yl. Single wolves usually avoid howling in areas where there are other flocks. Wolves from different geographical areas may howl differently. The European wolves have a more prolonged and melodic howling than the North American wolves, whose howling is louder and stronger emphasis on the first syllable.

Hunting and food
Hjortdjur, is the primary. Älg, deer and clean is the most important prey in Scandinavia are also beavers, hare, wild boar and badgers.. In North America, wolves live mainly deer, bison and clean. Usually directed wolf attacks on old and pathological changes, and the young animals. Larger prey bites the first in the stomach and small changes can be killed by a bite to the head or shoulder. Nearby people also fall cattle, domestic cats, and domesticated dogs prey to wolves. Young wolves takes insects (especially beetles) as food. In periods with less access to food eat wolves even carcasses and biological waste. Wolf is a pure carnivore, but can eat berries and grass for digestion's sake.

According to recent researches need a wolf 500 to 800 kg of food per year. On average, an individual eats two kilograms per day, but there are long periods where the wolves are hungry. A full-grown wolf can eat 8-9 kg of meat in a day but usually eats only 2,5 to 6 kg.

In a Swedish study by SLU wildlife research station in Grimsö are a number of adult wolves from ten territories tagged with GPS transmitters studied wolf summer hunting in detail. It emerged that 96% of the biomass consisted of moose. Of 199 vargdödade cadaver was 148 Moose, 9 deer, 5 beavers, 10 badgers, 6 harar, 20 birds (mainly black grouse and capercaillie) and a calf bovine. For elk was 133 calves and 15 annual moose.

Another predationsstudie showed that 43% the deer population in the territories were killed during the winter months.

Mating takes place in February-March and the 5-6 young are born in a den after 65 day. Only the alpha female who runs and gets kids. Young wolves are sexually mature until the age of two, but the breed in general, not until their third year of life, and can stay with their parents until. Older juveniles assist parents in the upbringing of the younger juveniles. When ungvargarna become sexually mature leaves in the flock in general and looking for territory.

The puppies' development
At birth, they weigh about 500 and g is, blind, deaf, mörkpälsade, has small ears, round head, “blunt” nose, little or no odor, they are unable to control their own body temperature, motor capacity is limited to slow crawl, mainly with the front legs and sucking and licking, have a good sense of balance, taste, and can whine and bark, suckling pups line four or five times a day for periods of three to five minutes.

On average, females increases bitches just over a kilo. and the males approximately 1,5. per week for the next fourteen weeks. This time is known as “period of maximum growth.”
transitional period – from opening the eyes until the 20 – 24 days
• 2 weeks – eyes open and is blue in 11-15 days, but the vision is poor and they can not perceive shapes until weeks later, milk incisors present (15 days) and can start eating small pieces of meat as those of adults; start stand, go, growl and bite, only now high-frequency attempt howling.
socialization Period – from 20 – 24 days until about 77 days
• 3 weeks – beginning to appear outside the den and play near the entrance, hearing begins (~ 27 days, ears begin to rise, ~ 31 days, ears are upright but with peaks tilting down), canines and premolar teeth present.
• 4 weeks – Weighs 5-6 kg, Growth of adult hair around the nose and eyes, start taking the conformation of adults with disproportionately large feet and head, high frequency yl gets stronger, the mother can go out for hours hunting. Dominance- and type target games begin.
• 5 weeks – gradual weaning starts. Can follow the adults up to one mil from the den.
• 8 weeks, disproportionately large feet and head.
• 8-10 weeks – Adults abandon the den and move the kids to the rendezvous spot, weaning is complete, cubs feeding on the food from the adults, adult hair becomes visible on the body.
• 8-16 weeks – Eyes gradually change from blue to yellow-gold.
Juvenile period – from 12 weeks to maturity
• 12 weeks – Starting to accompany adults on the lookout for a moment and go back to the rendezvous place by themselves.
• 3,5 months – “period of rapid growth (14-27 weeks)” start: puppies grow by about 1,3 kg. per week for the next three months.
• 4-6 months – Milk teeth are replaced, winter's coat becomes apparent.
• 6 months – Puppies begin to accompany adults on hunts, puppy look almost indistinguishable from adults.
• 7 months – “period of slow growth (27-51 weeks)” start: the females will increase by approximately £ 0,07. per week and the male puppies will increase approximately £ 0,4. per week, cubs begin to follow the herd.
• 7-8 months – Actively begin hunting.
• 1 year – epiphyseal cartilage closed, which marks the end of skeletal growth.
• 22 months – sexual maturity

A wolf pack is a family
A wolf pack is almost always a family with one couple, det with the alfaparet, and their puppies. The cubs are born in early May and a litter usually consists of 4-6 kids. When the puppies are barely a year wandering the majority off to find their own home area and hopefully a life partner. It happens, however, that one or more young wolves stops and helps the parents to take care of the new litter for another year.

For people who have traditionally been hunters, t ex North American redskins, the wolf is admired for his skill to hunt, and called “Brother Wolf”. The feeling of brotherhood has also been strengthened by the similarity with the “the knowing man” has treated the wolf and America's indigenous people.

The wolf is a protected species in Sweden
When the wolf of peace called for in Sweden, as late as 1966, there were only a few animals, probably fewer than 10, left. After a tentative start in the 1980s, the wolf in Scandinavia started to regain their old hunting grounds. A major setback for the wolf in Sweden when the government in January 2010 gave the green light for license hunting of the species. The wolf's chances of survival today depends on our people want to share living space and forest prey.

Wolf attacks on humans
Wolf Attacks fatalities are rare, but still occur, particularly in India. In modern times in the West has few definite cases documented. Wolf with rabies are more prone to attack people and behave as completely different from wolves that hunt for food. A wolf with rabies bites often many people in the same attack, while hunting wolves concentrating on a change.

It is unbelievable that little is quality assured, and there is a huge amount that is angled. In principle, there is no proper compilation made but one must look around. Take as eg the two attacks that happened in North America in the 2000s, one is well documented but around the other, there is much confusion. It is clear that a man died but then if this was a case of accident or possibly a bear or wolf attack that killed the different opinions about. Both bears and wolves were on the body was really the only thing that could be determined, but the actual cause of death, and what caused it is therefore divided on the “experts”. And yet so often used the case as an example of a fatal wolf attack. There are numerous such examples around the globe. In India, for example, so often reported all-natural deaths wolf and tiger attacks because they are so poor and can get out what for them is big money in case the shit a predator attack.

Another example is in the F.D. Soviet states awash with flocks of wild dogs, that very often kills both cattle and animals. That combined with abysmal crime scene investigations and often total lack of forensic investigations conducted by the local police sometimes leads to wolves are blamed for the dogs messed with. Especially when out in the countryside where they are still very much alive with the same delusions of the wolf that we had here in the old days.

To then say that these attacks are the facts become difficult if they are not quality assured. However, one can say that the wolf is a predator and that it actually can happen to attacks on people even if it is rare that healthy wolves killing people.

Attacks on livestock and stray dogs are often ( in Sweden) well documented and quality assured. Many cattle attacks, mainly to get, is usually caused by poor fencing. Predators resistant fencing has proven effective, but nothing is a hundred percent safe. Hunting dogs in wolf territory or where there are wolves is a risk that humans are responsible for. The wolf follows his natural instinct to guard their territory and protect their pups against intruders and sees the dog as a threat.

Wolf Attacks in Sweden:
Gysinge wolf: The wolf is probably identical with the cub caught 1817 and held in captivity at Gysinge mansion for several years until it might have escaped or could have unleashed. The series of attacks began on 30 december 1820. During a three-month period were attacked 31 people, which resulted in 9 dead and 15 damaged. The injured were mostly children, with the exception of a youth on 18 year.

The only death in Sweden in modern times was the 17 juni 2012 when an animal keeper was killed by socialized wolves in captivity at Kolmarden Zoo.

Did you know that
– between the years 1827 och 1839 killed on average 520 wolves per year in Sweden. Then there was the wolf in all regions, except on Gotland.


Number of wolves in Sweden: Based on preliminary survey results, the total Swedish wolf population size estimated at 172-208 individual wolves in Sweden winter 2008/2009. Read more: Inventeringsrapporter

Spread: The wolf is in central Sweden, with the densest concentration of Värmland, Dalarna, Örebro and Gävleborg.

Parliamentary national targets: Intermediate targets 20 litters per year, or about 200 individuals. The goal of the tribal propagation is that it naturally spreads across the country, but the regeneration of the reindeer herding area is limited to areas outside the so-called year-round chips.

Read more: Parliamentary target for predators

Hotkategori: Critically endangered (for more information: Search wolf in ArtDatabanken)

Trend: The Swedish wolf population is continuing in growth. Wolf is a generalist and is very easy to adapt to different environments. We can therefore expect that the wolf population range extends both north and south.

historic: The wolf re-colonized our country simultaneously with the wild reindeer after the last Ice Age over 10 000 years ago. Wolf population size over the years have varied with the availability of prey, particularly cloven. In recent centuries, the variations primarily caused by humans. Bounties on wolves were introduced 1647 and ways to kill the wolf, many. During the mid-1800s significantly reduced the strain. Increased hunting pressure combined with poor access to food was probably the main reasons for this. During most of the century was, however, wolves in nearly all of Sweden (Öland and Gotland exempt). Then thronged wolves away to montane regions in the northernmost counties.

1965 there were probably fewer than ten wolves in Sweden. This led to the wolf enjoying protection 1966. During the 1970s, wolves were reported sporadic instances of Värmland, Dalarna, Härjedalen and adjacent areas in Norway. These, however, never followed up properly. During the 1980s there was at least six litters in Sweden, but the total number of wolves did not increase significantly when many fell victim to traffic and illegal hunting. Only a few years into the 1990s growth began to take off in earnest with several established couples and a few regenerations.

Källa: Viltskadecenter, Grimsö Research SLU, 730 91 Riddarhyttan.

Facts about Wolf
Today is the wolf, particularly in Central Sweden. Year 2009/10 reported provisionally 21 secure regeneration in Sweden and the border region with Norway. In addition, there 2 impaired regenerations.

Way Point:
20 litters per year, which corresponds to approximately 200 individuals. In addition, Parliament has set a ceiling of 210 Wolves.

Number of litters 2009/2010: 21 secure regeneration, 2 probable.

Available today:
In central Sweden, with the densest concentration of Värmland, Dalarna, Örebro, Gävleborg, Västmalands and parts of Bay State.

The wolf has previously grown slowly. The rate of increase in recent years has been about 1-2 regenerations, vargkul on, for år. Parliament has decided that the wolf population should be kept at a level not less than 20 regeneration while not exceeding 210 Wolves. Therefore allowed a licensed hunting to limit population growth.

Main feed:
Moose is the main prey. Wolves also eat deer, beaver, Badger, clean and assorted small mammals. The wolves that appear in the reindeer herding area often takes reindeer.

Kontakt: Classes Allander
Källa: Environmental Protection Agency

Fear of predators
There is widespread concern about wolves and bears in the Swedish population. What psychological factors are behind this?

The aim of the project is to gain a deeper understanding of people's fear of wolves and bears and to describe the consequences of fear of public reaction to various protection- and management measures. Our previous studies have shown that people who express a high degree of fear of large carnivores are also less willing to support measures to preserve them.

Based on psychological theory takes into account the current project both evolutionary and social factors in fear. A survey study of the subjective experience of fear and acceptance of management measures of the wolf and bear conducted among 800 Swedes living in predator areas. Data collected at four sites with documented differences in the experiences of wolves and bears. The questionnaire study identified 16 participants in each location that exhibit different patterns in their fear. These individuals are invited to participate in a laboratory study of the psychophysiological and behavioral fear responses.

The results provide guidance on how people's fear of wolves and bears should be addressed in the practical work of wildlife management. The results are relevant for politicians and officials involved in carnivore management, as well as for the local population in the areas of predators.

Via the Wildlife Protection Fund has over the years 2009-2011 assigned 1 500 000 SEK for the project.

Kontakt: Maria Johansson
Lunds university
Källa: Environmental Protection Agency

Trends in a population is illustrated with advantage over periods of at least three years with. Although the number of documented regeneration of wolves in Sweden is less than the previous year, the growth of the wolf population remained positive for the past three years.

The number of documented wolf litters born 2011 year 25 compared with 28 for 2010, which is 12 % fewer.

Number of family groups during the winter, 30 for winter 11/12 compared with 28 winter 10/11 which is 7 % more.

Number documented turf marking the couple's 25 winter 11/12 compared with 23 winter 10/11 which is 9 % more.

Number of documented family groups och couples during winter 55 for winter 11/12 compared with 51 winter 10/11 which is 8 % more.

Migration of wolves from Finland / Russia
No new wolves from the Finnish-Russian population has been discovered during the inventory season.

The wolf of Finno Russian origin has been established in Galven-territory within the county and received 3 litters (2008, 2009, 2010) During the season 2011/2012 demonstrated via DNA in a new territory (No. 61, fig 6) north of Galva-our territory with a new partner. Wolf is stationary in the new area. The female is a Finnish Russian origin who discovered last season inventory has been stationary in a territory marking couple in Idre but was at the end of the inventory period 11/12 return on hiking. The wolf was recorded in March in California through DNA analysis of droppings.

Famous Finnish-Russian wolves in Sweden and known stationary offspring from the Finnish-Russian wolves in Sweden, and a Finnish Russian wolf in Norway (introducing reviret).

Wolf in the reindeer herding area
Stationary presence

Two turf containing was marking his territory couple, and a territory containing a group of three wolves (including a territory marking pairs) has been documented. In one of the pairs included one female immigrant from the Finnish-Russian population.

Walking wolves
In addition to the seven individuals who were part of the steady presence has been further 9 individuals identified through quality-assured observations of DNA, GPS positions or through culling. Five of these were identified during regular inventory period for wolf, four for the remaining time of the reproductive cycle 2011. Altogether 16 positively identified individuals touched the reindeer herding area. There are also indications of more individuals but because of vandringsvargars capacity to wander far in a short time, it has not been possible to distinguish these individuals from each other without the help of DNA samples.

Subject to the limits of the reindeer herding area is not fully established, the figures above change depending of demarcation.

Kill wolves
Under wintertime 2011/12 (October to March) hair 20 kill wolves registered with SVA (National Veterinary Institute). Of them 20 kill was wolves 12 subject to culling, 3 is managed under 28§, och 5 killed in traffic. In addition, 2 cut off the GPS necklace been recovered from the transmitters animals, and there is another suspected illegal hunting of a radio-marked wolf.

wolf's propagation

The wolf was once the world's most widely distributed mammals, which occurred north of North America and Eurasia. Wolves tend to have difficulty adapting to the human impact of habitat.Vargar are less able to adapt to an expanding civilization than eg coyote.

Although wolves do not risk extinction, so local populations are still endangered. A threat to these consist of genetic erosion due to fragmentation conditioned populationer.Människan have isolated pockets with small populations which suffer xxcx. Studies have shown that the reproduction rate of wolves is strongly linked to genetic diversity. Isolated wolf populations affected much possitivt already allerer from just an introduced individual.

in addition to the UK and on Ireland the wolf was widespread in Europe during the 1700s, but exterminated from all central- and northern European countries during the 1800s and up until the period after WWII. The largest population is currently active in eastern Europe, mostly in Russia och Romania, and in Balkan and in Poland. Remnants of the European wolf population is in Portugal, Spain, Italy och Greece, but the wolf population has also recovered naturally in many parts of Europe and re-colonized France, Germany, Finland, Sweden och Norge.

Wolf populations seem generally stable or increasing in most, but not all, of the countries that signed the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats. Limiting factors in member countries include lack of acceptance (especially in areas where wolves have repatriated) usually because of concerns about attacks on livestock and dogs, and competition for the wild game for hunters. Hunting Press och illegal hunting are the main limiting factors for the European wolf population.

The information on the wolf population in The Middle East is small, except Israel och Saudi Arabia. It is estimated that there are 300-600 wolves Arabian Peninsula, that despite the hunted year round except in Israel, has a relatively stable population that primarily protected by the present in inaccessible areas such as the mountains in the north and in the northern and central desert areas. I If the wolf is classified as endangered, and the stock is estimated at 800-3 000 individuals who are scattered in several isolated populations. I China och Mongolia the wolf is not protected except in specific reserves.

The wolf's range stretched past over large parts of North America north of Mexico City. Today, their status varies by country, Land and provincial. Canada and Alaska have stocks with thousands of individuals who are in excellent biological fitness. The wolf has been expanding outside Canada to northern Rocky Mountains Since the 1970s,, and has established itself in the south to Montana, Washington, Idaho och Wyoming. 1994 captured from wolves Alberta och British Columbia and introduced into Yellowstone National Park, where the species has been regionally extinct since the 1930s. A similar introduction occurred 1998 i Apache National Forest i Arizona

Canada and Alaska have stocks with thousands of individuals who are in excellent biological fitness.

the wolf has Alaska, Canada och Eastern Europe and is approximately 160 centimeters long, at the shoulder 80 centimeters high and with an approximate 50 centimeters long tail. These wolves weigh up to 80 kilogram. The smallest wolves live on Arabian Peninsula and in nearby regions. Their length is at 80 centimeters and weight at 20 kilogram. The tail is about 30 centimeters long. Honor is between 3 och 12 percent less than males and have 20 to 25 percent lower body weight.

Coat color varies greatly. There are white, cream, reddish, yellowish, gray and black individuals. In temperate areas of Europe and Asia are mostly grayish and Arctic regions most black or white. The underside is pale or bright white. Often the wolves back darker than their tail, Book, ears and nose.

It is very difficult to separate from Wolftrace track of dogs. Often it is necessary to follow the track a long distance (preferably several km) in order to be reasonably sure that it is the wolf and not a loose dog to track. When tracking on snow leaving large hanvargar a track mark of 10-12 cm excluding chlorine. Get the dogs are so big paws. Northern European wolves also has a stride length of at least 140 cm on hard, flat surface in trot, which is rarely matched by dogs. However, there are wolves with tiny paws, and a normal varghonas paws are no bigger than a gray– eller still dog.

Wolf tracks often go straight (purposefully) while domestic dogs usually run crisscross. This behavior does not always, because the wolf can also make irregular promise, and dogs may be determined. Reasonably likely to stray dogs over time become more “calm” (less playful) in behavior and therefore difficult to distinguish from the wolf on track. When wolves roam in flocks in deep snow, they often “and fot fot”. They put then down the paws in each other trails, so that it looks like it only been an animal in the groove. Save a longer distance will sooner or later to a place where they split up. Such a track to run leave no domestic dogs.

To track the signs are also counted droppings and urine markers. A wolf does not eat the same kind of food that a dog these days. It feeds on flesh and bone. The droppings differs from dog, which usually gets fed with pellets that are adulterated with vegetarian content. When the wolf eating a lot of bones, becomes the stool completely white.

Urine marks of wolf look the same as the dog, but of the wolf, only the alpha pair who has the right to lift the leg when urinating. The other members of the group (also males) squatting and urinating as dog bitches. Under högvintern, when the female runs, one can find traces of blood in the urine markings, then you know that it is the wolf who had been there (dog females urinates crouching).


Social behavior

Sometimes one encounters lonely wolves in the wild but the most common life form is the flock or family group as they currently prefer to call it. The wolf pack consists of the parental couple (alpha animals), their årsvalpar and previous cubs. The number depends on the availability of food. In Sweden, a normal-sized wolf territory between 75 000 och 200 000 hektar (ie more than ten square kilometers on average).

The wolf's howl is usually indistinguishable from larger dogs howling.

Varghanars howling extends a oktav and ends in a deep bass emphasizing “O”, while females produce a modulating nasal baritonton emphasizing “The”. Puppies howling rarely but chicks produce a kind of howling terminating in doglike yelping.

Wolves howling to collect the flock (usually before and after the hunt), to warn (especially at the lair), to locate each other during bad weather or in unfamiliar terrain and to communicate over large distances.

Wolves howling may in some circumstances be heard over a surface of 130 km2. Ylningen has a base frequency of between 150 and 780 Hz, and comprises up to 12 harmonierande overtones. The pitch is usually constant or changes very subtle, and change direction up to four or five times.

The howling for the convening of the flock to kill a replacement is long and soft. When pursuing prey is ylningen higher and vibrates between two tones. When they approach the change combined a card to be and yl. When wolves howl together, they tend to harmonize their different tones.

Single wolves usually avoid howling in areas where there are other flocks. Wolves do not respond to the howling during rainy weather or when they are full.

Wolves from different geographical areas may howl differently. The European wolves have a more prolonged and melodic howling than the North American wolves, whose howling is louder and stronger emphasis on the first syllable. Studies with playback playback shows that ivarjefall North American wolves react at European wolf types of ylningar.

other sounds

Wolves other noises, addition ooling Conduct, usually divided into three categories: morr, barking and whimpering. Shall have a fundamental frequency of 320-904Hz, and usually uttered when a wolf is uppkrämd. Wolves do not bark as powerful or as long as the dogs bark, but a few times before it withdraws from a perceived danger.

Morrningar has a fundamental frequency of 380-450Hz, and uttered the most battle for food. Puppies usually growl even when they are playing. A variant of ylningen followed by a high-frequency sound yelps which portends an attack. Whimper associated otherwise situations of concern, curiosity, puzzlement or intimacy greetings, feeding puppies or play.

The wolf and man
culture History


Romulus and Remus with the wolf.

I Greek mythology told that Zeus in wolf shape was worshiped in ArkadienHYPERLINK “http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varg”[38] Roms founder, according to the myths, Romulus shall, along with his twin brother Remus, survived thanks to a she-wolf. According to the Norse mythology had Oden the two gråvargarna Gere and HYPERLINK “http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gere_och_Freke”Freke in his entourage.


The original word for wolf is a wolf in Swedish. Wolf is a ' noanamn, that is, a euphemism to avoid having to call the animal by its name. On the other Germanic languages ​​are those with wolf Related words “wolf” in English and German. In germanic called wolf “wulfaz”, but in nordgermanska language has w at the beginning of words slipped away when followed by O eller in. The word originally meant wolf slayer or restrictor. In medieval Swedish meant “vargher” perpetrators of violence (compare the old legal concept wolf in veum)

Other noanamn the wolf is wolf, tax eller the gray. Presumed wolf rich wilderness has often been called tassemarker.

On wiktionary stated however, the wolf even on old Norse name vargh, and under English Wikipedia called wolf on oldpersiska “boat”, the contemporary Persian “gorg” and at the northern Iranian language Mazandarani “varg”, just like in Swedish. This is hardly a coincidence, but sources and possible etymological connection to not disclose.

Status in the world

According to the The World Conservation Union classified species wolf globally viable. Some populations in both North America and Europe is considered to be threatened according to the assessments that some should have done. In much of the wolf earlier, or present, range, chased or hunted, nature actively. The wolf must therefore have become extinct in some countries, including UK och Germany, but it keeps on coming back in Germany.

In other countries, reduce the population of wolves significantly, and the wolf has been protected in several states.

Wolves as pets

In the USA occur wolves as pets. Those born in captivity. Wolves are considered more severe trained and more skeptical of obeying people than dogs. The puppies must be taken from its mother early, otherwise adapted not to live with people.

according to Swedish Species Protection Ordinance (SFS 2007:845) get vildlevande predator not be held pet. Although hybrids between the domesticated dog, and wild canids are prohibited breed forward, import, keeping and trade. Equivalent legislation exists in many countries in Europe.