Svea Court of Appeal has now decided that the business leader who is suspected of hunting violations, must stay in jail. Hovrätten rejects man's appeal.

The appeal of the custody business leader's lawyer Sven Severin received at the Court of Appeal on Friday, and the Court of Appeal therefore took the position the same day.

The following prosecutor Lars Magnusson at the National Department of Environment- and the working environmental, stated that the arrested man is still on suspicion of aggravated hunting crimes.
The decision is short,: The Court of Appeal rejects appeal.

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  > oveklagan Karl Hedin 2018-11-16

Svea HR Ö 10693-18 Final decision (not particularly senior) 2018-11-16[2696]

prosecutor: Severin, a lawyer can not speak

Arrested managers want to release - claiming illegal phone tapping