CARE2 Petitions

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Petition mot den Svenska licensjakten på varg kommer inom kort så skriv på och dela den.
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Listan/Petitionen är inskickad till de behöriga, 2016-12-15. Listorna fortsätter med att ligga ute på bla Facebook och Twitter + Instagram
Petitioner mot licensjakten Varg 20170102

E-mailen skickade.

Stoppa licensjakten på varg i Sverige 2017.
Skriv på och dela den Svenska namnlistan, Tack

Stoppa licensjakten på varg i Sverige 2017.

Licensjakten är ett brott mot EUs Art- och habitatdirektiv.
Jakten som kommer att pågå fr.o.m. den 2 januari – 15 februari ska bedrivas med drivande hundar och på ett sådant sätt som strider mot jaktlagens och jaktförordningens regler om djurskyddshänsyn.

 Här är en badget mot jakten till profilbilder mm. klicka på bilden.



Stop the licenshunt of wolves in Sweden 2017. Sign this English Petition, Thank you.



The hunt that will last from January 2nd till February 15th will be conducted with pursuing dogs and in such a manner that it is in direct violation to the hunting act and hunting regulation rules concerning animal welfare considerations.








Nei til løse hunder i rovdyrsoner

Til: Miljødirektoratet

Ettersom rekken av konflikter mellom jeger/hund/rovdyr blir lengre år for år, krever Norges Miljøvernforbund restriksjoner ved bruk av hund i kjerneområder for rovdyr.

I kjerneområdene for rovdyr er menneskets tilstedeværelse med løs hund mer skadelig enn ellers. Menneskets framferd i naturen er sålangt på våre premisser. Vi gjør det samme om og om igjen, og forventer ett annet resultat. I rovdyrenes verden må VI omstille oss, IKKE motsatt. Tallløse møter med rovdyr og hund ender fatalt for menneske, hund eller rovdyr.


Wolf hunting must be stopped in Finland!
> >Please sign here
alfamale-tuike_-shot-in-finland-20160125Kiitos! Thank You! Tusen tack! Merci!
Our petition to save Finnish wolves reached more than 3300 signatures all over the world in a short amount of time. The petition has been delivered today to Commissioner Karmenu Vella and the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Kimmo Tiilikainen.

Licensed hunting was supposed to be a two-year experiment. It revealed that wolf-hunters are not capable of followingrules and recommendations that are to be followed as insisted in the EU-directive. As a consequence aconsiderable amount of the effective wolf population has been killed. The Finnish wolf population is far fromthe ideal, which would guarantee the long-term survival of the species. Mass-slaughter of breeding individuals will not repair this situation.

Licensed hunting must be intercepted until the population is safe and vital. When the population is sustainable, hunting should be moderate without causing any dramatic damages. This should be evaluated trough the newest scientific evidence, not just by asking a few poachers: “How should we manage wolves?”

Poaching of wolves should be intervened by means of criminal law and police law, not by legalizing illegal acts, whichis devastating and unforgivable. Irrational hate towards a species must not be tolerated by any society, government or community.

We have signed this petition, as we do not want Europe to be governed by hatred and blackmailing, which is what has happened in Finland during the two-year experiment of licensed wolf hunting. We plead to the EU Commission and the Finnish government to put an end to this procedure.


Support STANDING ROCK by signing this petition

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