NORWAY – Rovdata

Rovdata has quality assured data from this year hiregistrering of Wolverine coal across the country. It is the year demonstrated 57 Wolverine coal in Norway, which is an increase of 17 coal from last year.

- Net income of 57 coal, an increase of 42,5 percent from last year. While last year was located approximately on the national population target of 39 annual kull with jervevalper, we are in the year well above again, explains Jonas Kindberg, leader in Rovdata.

Females give birth not every year

Parliament has adopted a national population goals on 39 annual Wolverine coal in Norway. From 40 Wolverine litters in 2017 was the lowest number of which have occurred in the country since 2002. They were selected when a decline of ten coal, from 50 proven coal, i 2016.

However, one must not attach too much significance to variations in the number of wolverines coal between individual years. It will vary how many of the females give birth to puppies every year, partly because of age, if they gave birth to puppies last year and access to food.

- The significant increase from the previous year may indicate that a larger proportion of females in the population reproduced in the year than last, explains Kindberg.

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