So wrote Jan Guillou already 2011 Article in Aftonbladet.
This is surprising, but with much truth. We thank you for this article we want to highlight on this website.

“- If we are to believe some newspaper headlines, and it should not, so are wolves in Norrtälje area "assaulting a family with children". They have not. However attacked two puppies last year in the so-called Riala The territory a stray dog ​​and killed it.

It really should not downplay the individual dog owner's sorrow. Nor should, chasing organizations and other wolf-hater, exaggerating the problem. It is true that wolves kill 10-20 hunting dogs per year. Again, it is equally sad every time.

But hunting dog's lifehealthy, short and hard. The risk of death is significant. And the dog's part, the risk of being shot by the master or his master's hunting companions twice that of being killed by wolves. Wild boar kills ten times as many hunting dogs, wolves. Traffic hundred times as many.

But the facts of that nature plays a very small role wolves and wolf-hater friends clash. In yesterday's Daily News had it for a few hours collapsed six hundred public comment. Sticks and straws smoke as usual.

I know of no other issue that creates the same commitment and frankly I do not understand what this is because. Trying to think of it as a political problem, it is an overwhelming majority of Swedish people, later it was measured, the wolf's existence in Sweden, 71 percent. The figure is higher in Stockholm, 81 percent, and lower in wolf districts Dalarna, 54 percent.

The politician Andreas Carlgren still succumb to the varghatande minority is hard to understand. He has twice beaten bent over backwards to allow licensed hunting on our Swedish wolf remnant. First time with the preposterous argument that randomly firing would be genetically beneficial for wolves. The second time the democratic than the more outlandish argument that hunters need to shoot wolves from time to time so that we get the "acceptance" of wolves in Sweden. “

> Read the rest of the article here